Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'll Take One Of Those

A young boy waits patiently for an autograph prior to the start of a Frederick Keys baseball game on Saturday, My 8th.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Me and Ansel, soul mates

Now I know I'm no Ansel Adams, but when I was at a Keys game Saturday night and
saw my shadow on the field, Adams' self portrait was all I could think about.

Britton Breaks Bat, Beans Blue Rock

Frederick Keys left hander Buck Briton breaks his bat in the first inning of a home game, hitting the Blue Rocks' catcher in the mask with the barrel of the bat.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pattern along The Creek

The William O. Lee Bridge

Reflections of buildings in the water near Market Street.

Steel Beams glow in the late afternoon sunlight

Water droplets form on algae in one of the walkway fountians

WFMS Newseum Trip

Front page Frenzy classroom 360 degree view