Sunday, October 30, 2011

Patterns in the frost

Shot five minutes ago with my touch. Patterns on Jeanne's car hood.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Test from touch

This the first post directly from my touch

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Frederick Winter Stock Examples

Carroll Creek looking towards historic downtown and the famous Clustered Spires.

The Covered Bridge over Carroll Creek.

City Hall

Covered Bridge during big snow.

Snow covered hiking/biking trail in Gambrill Park.

Ice covered lake along hamburg Road in the Frederick City Watershed.

Shifferstadt architectural house/museum.

Covered Bridge

Hiking/biking trail in Gambrill Park.

Houses in the snow.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Zach's new recruiting video

Training video for Zachary Jacobsen, goalkeeper for the FC Frederick 95 Premier Team. Zach will be graduation in 2013 from Frederick High School and would like to study Environmental Science.

Talk To The Hand

From a recent shoot for Maryland Life magazine on Ability prosthetics. A 16-year-old boy tests out his new muscle controlled electronic hand. He lost his arm below the elbow in a freak accident involving a shop saw.

Monday, August 22, 2011

G10 remote clamp

A shot of my Canon G-10 clamped to a drag rack at Harry Grove Stadium.  The placement, using a Bogen Super Clamp, was part of a video I am doing on the grounds crew at the minor league baseball stadium.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'll Take One Of Those

A young boy waits patiently for an autograph prior to the start of a Frederick Keys baseball game on Saturday, My 8th.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Me and Ansel, soul mates

Now I know I'm no Ansel Adams, but when I was at a Keys game Saturday night and
saw my shadow on the field, Adams' self portrait was all I could think about.

Britton Breaks Bat, Beans Blue Rock

Frederick Keys left hander Buck Briton breaks his bat in the first inning of a home game, hitting the Blue Rocks' catcher in the mask with the barrel of the bat.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pattern along The Creek

The William O. Lee Bridge

Reflections of buildings in the water near Market Street.

Steel Beams glow in the late afternoon sunlight

Water droplets form on algae in one of the walkway fountians

WFMS Newseum Trip

Front page Frenzy classroom 360 degree view

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Keys Home Opener

After an extensive rain delay, members of the Frederick Keys grounds crew spread drying agent
on the infield at Harry Grove Stadium on Tuesday, April 11, 2011 in preparation for opening day. the Keys would go on to loss the game 4-3.
Members of the Frederick Keys take the field at Harry Grove Stadium on Tuesday, April 11, 2011
as they are announced during opening day ceremonies. Heavy rains would postpone the
start of the season by more then an hour.
Player introductions continue.
Last of the player introductions.
First strike throw of the season.
First pitch for a hit delivered of the season.
First put out at second base.
First head first dive into second and first unsuccessful steal attempt
of the season.